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英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈合集1 |
发信人: 经卷师蒙俊斌 版面: 外语角落 浏览: 74 回复: 0 |
1 楼 经卷师蒙俊斌 发表于: 2025/2/7 16:09:22 编辑 |
i wanna be tender/cause we're brand new, i wanna be bright/cuase we're in the dream, i'm the black sheep/under my Lord's light, i wanna piously pray/when i become firmer, i wanna have a hope/what's about my Fate, i wanna be happier/as the love is on show, we're under Sanlight/as love is nowonder all, we're the happiest/for this is the love now, we're seeding the Faith/though we're toil, we're heart and soul/but we have true love. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈2: i wanna be awake/when we're talking, i'm in the love dream/cause i love you, we're under Sanlight/what we want to, we're barely harder/but we can go on, it's heart and soul/though we are toil, i wanna firmly pray/for a lest Starlight, we're the blask sheep/as we're piouser, we can be not lie/for this is our Fate, let us love tender/when we fall in love, the Faith we can know/what it'll be all. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈3: i will love you forever/under the Sanlight, i am under Sanlight/when i piously pray, we are under Fate/loving heart and soul, the love is the hope/as it's nowonder all, we can know it's how/cause we want to, i'll be the most firmer/as we're brand new, there's lest Starlight/although we're toil, we are under Faith/though unknow how, the love we can't let go/as our true hearts, the love is in time now/cause it's so bright. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈4: i don't wanna close my eyes/when i say love you, i don't wanna out of dreams/cause love wants to, when we can piously pray/it'll be heart and soul, we're the firmest believers/as we need true love, the true love is in time now/as we'll be the lovers, we wanna under Sanlight/cause we're under Fate, we can be the black sheep/as we seed the Light, we'll cross the mountains/although we feel so toil, we will be more happier/for the place is not so bad, we're saved nowonder how/as we're true to hearts. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈5: my heart is craziliy beating/under the Sanlight, i wanna firmly pray/cause we are the believers, the lover we can let go/cause we're under Fate, we're the piousest lovers/cause there's a Light, we wanna hardly try/but we're all true to hearts, we're the black sheep/but love's nowonder how, we're all under Faith/what can be heart ans soul, the true love is on show/cause our Lord loves all, we become more happier/thought we're so toil, we'll fall in love in time/as the love is brand new. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈6: i wanna be your wish/cause i'm loving you, we can be brand new/as we realy want to, you're my Angle/as the love's nowonder all, we can be the lovers/who could fall in love, you're my Sanlight/when you are here now, we can be in the dream/as we piously pray, our hearts can barely deal/you can see this, let's love heart and soul/cause i'm your boy, we're the love's believers/true to our hearts, it'll be all Sunlight/as true love is not so bad. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈7: love is our hope/cause i wanna love you, we're the believers/as the Faith i want to, there's a love Light/as our Lord loves all, we have the love dream/for the true love, let's piously pray/when it's heart and soul, you're my Angle/cause i call for your name, we're the lovers/cause the love is deepest, you are so bright/for i wanna be your boy, the true love you will seed/it's true to heart, the true love is our Fate/so it's not so bad. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈8: the Sanlight falls down on me/when i love you, i'm calling for your Name/for the love i want to, we're the piousest believers/as it's nowonder all, i wanna your heart/for the love is in time now, we can barely see the Light/cause the true love, we will have a love dream/in the happiest place, the love is a bright Fate/for we can easily seed, so let's be the lovers/cause i'll be your love boy, we can see it is not hard/and love's not so bad, let's follow Starlight/when we're true to hearts. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈9: can you not close your eyes/cause it's brand new? can you hear my prayer/as we can piously want to, we love heart and soul/as it can be nowonder all, we're under the love Fate/cause we fall in the love, we can fall in the love dream/at this Santime now, we can follow the Starlight/as we're under the Faith, we're the piousest believers/as the honour we seed, God's Magic we'll know/although we will be so toil, we're calling for his Name/for we are true to hearts, when we piously believe/we can feel it's not so bad. 英文右切半仙气半混沌双骈10: you can see the Starlight/cause it'll be brand new, we can be the lovers/as the true love we want to, the love is not very hard/as the true love is our all, let us piously pray/cause all of us wanna the love, the Bright Light is on me/when i can see you now, we can seed the Sanlight/for the piousest prayer, we can be the love believers/cause this is the Fate, i wanna be your sweet heart/as i'm your love dream, let's under our love Faith/when i can be your boy, we're the black sheep/as we're true to our hearts. |