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发信人: 经卷师蒙俊斌  版面: 外语角落  浏览: 307  回复: 0
1 楼  经卷师蒙俊斌   发表于: 2025/2/7 16:40:17    编辑   
the evening star
may it be/ the evening star /shines down upon you,
may it be/ you give your heart/ to go on,
may it be/ you can defeat the dark/ when the darkness falls,
your heart will be realy/ when you face the hard/ then on your road,

you walk a lonely/ when it's true to your heart/ then you go on,
nomatter how far away/ when you face the dark/ when the sun falls,
you can see/ the evening star/ guiding us and you,
when you believe/ you will never blind/ in this world,

the dark is falling/ when you are /praying for father,
when you believe/ he will guide/ and you will find the road,
a promise lives/ when he guides/ and you can defeat the evil,
may it be/ evil call for the dark/ but you let it get out,

may it be / who he guides/ all journey on,
light the day/ when he break the hard/ then the night is overcome,
it's sunshine/ you can work hard/ when the darkness gone,
all is love of he/when you watch the star/ with your father.

the spring wind
she is go on/ taking the wind/ about his heart,
she is fall in love/ in the cloudy/ under his sunlight,
why she is still/ deep in drunk/ when she is broken heart,
she can't not stop/ showing the brave for he/ when she is working hard,

how about the boat/ is visitting/ the spring sunlight,
it's gently drunk/ making she loving/ the handsome man,
how much hope/ will the he/ give his heart,
when the clould/ is covering/ the moonlight,

she want to dress/ the new clothing/ for her sweet heart,
the beauty is drunk/ when they dancing/ under the sunlight,
the country is so beautiful/ when they are drinking/ the sweet wine,
then they are all smill/ for the spring wind/ when they are given heart,

it's the wind,flower,moon and snow/ in their country/ for their brave heart,
when they fall in love/ it's clouldy/ under the moonlight,
it's warm when they fire/ the fish for hungry/ before the wine,
this is the hold/ in the dream/ when the wind is blowing hard.

the spring
the spring isn't warm/ when the beauty/ is working hard,
it's the boat/ rushing the wave/ when the wind is hard,
she is sing the song/ when the sunlight/ is warming her heart,
her lover is making the boat/ swing away/ from the river side,

she wants to ask her lover/ when he will it's/ time to come back,
she is prepare the flowers/ which is for he/ to gentlen his heart,
the curtain drops/ when it's spring/ in the dark,
she was told/ but didn't believe in he/ so the tears falled in heart,

she rubs the rouge for the lover/in the spring wind/ when she wears the scarf,
the cup is full/ when she pours wine/ to show her heart,
when the rain falls/ in the spring wind/ he all gives his heart,
they are falling in love/ in the gentle wind/ and it's sunlight,

they cherish the flower/ when they're loving/ all by heart,
when it's dawn/when the boat should leave/ so they had to apart,
she had to foget the lover/ for he had to leave/ when it's rain again,
she is so hurted/ and can't meet him/ when he is working hard.

i love her/since she's sixteen/cause her beautiful,
it's so pain/when i'm in the dream/she says no,
it's future/when i forget this thing/but i could not,
what can i say/when i remember it/but she says no?

why this pain/is in a tangle with me/when it had gone?
what had happened/when i got it/what is in a tangle?
it must be fate/when i am missing/such a beautiful girl,
what can i take/when i met her suddenly/with my will,

may i say/i love you my baby/but she says no,
but it's so pain/when i'm missing/the only one,
look at my face/in the pasted diary/all is the girl,
the normal mirror/cann't make magic/but i will,

liking the winter/but i still wish/i could take her in hold,
taking the flowers/may it be/ i could got her sweet smill.

the love can go:
i feel so pain/when i'm watching you baby/as heart and soul,
how can i pay/when i'm the black sheep/as you're my Angle?
calling for your name/when i'm praying/but you don't know,
my heart can't be saved/but you save me/when love is show,

love letter he gave/for i feel so sorry/but i can not let you go,
you gave him face/but you're begging/when i wanna call for ,
this isn't a game/but he's the blue sheep/out of you can hope,
what can i say/when he makes you lonely/as i can barely know?

love letter can't save/who's hardly finding/what's the love road,
his words will make/that you can't seek/how the love is hold,
this can be days by days/just only you see/that you're lonely girl,
you'll regret to be pain/but you can't break free/when you say no,

you need a new day/as you realize me/who's waiting and not go,
do you still wait/when i'm calling for begging/but love's no hope,
let me stop your pain/as i'll give you happiness/my dear Angle,
let's piously pray/as i'll be your best wish/what the love can go.


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