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发信人: 经卷师蒙俊斌  版面: 外语角落  浏览: 293  回复: 0
1 楼  经卷师蒙俊斌   发表于: 2025/2/7 20:52:48    编辑   
you're crying for losting,
how about are your will?
what are your believing in?
do you wanted to be brand new?

you will win yourself my son,
it must be pain,
because you're young,
although you find any way.

if it's not exciting,
when the dream is not suit for you,
and you're going to do it,
it should be 100% brave we will.

just try it best yourself boy,
and don't forgot it,
it's nothing at all,
the soul is burning.

we'll touch the sky,
when we would try for the will,
yes the 100% brave any way,
it should not be the tears great deal.

yes the 100% brave wonder why,
it should not be the tears to go,
let's face the blue sky,
when we were trying for.

will you go on the wish the wind,
the flowers are brand new,
earth is your love can singing,
but flowers are the wings in your feel.

when they are falling
would you got the shinning Sun,
when you are kissed in the wind,
every trees and rock and creature is your love,

are the people who look and think for happy,
and he gives the nature lifes names as the hope,
but if you love every stranger for he,
you learn things you should know.

have you ever heard the children crying,
when the one cry to the blue corn moon is wolf,
or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned,
can you sing with the voices of the mountains all,

can you paint with all the colors of the wind,
come run the hidden pinetrails of the forest which is under,
come taste the sun-sweet berries,
come roll in all the riches all around the lovers,
and he tell you you should never paid to this,
the rainstorm and the revers are your brothers.

and the heron and the otter are he give,
and we sould all connected to the will,
in a circle in a hoop that all he is giving,
how high does the sycamore grow in the hell.

when you feel the cold in the wind indeep,
your fur jacket is loved of smell by the wolf,
can it a new one join in in the cold wind,
we need to sing with all the voices,

the light he is trying,
i can't say what i know,
but you can see it,
he's so miracles.

i had ever been past by,
i wanna be brand new,
so i pray for God for the next time,
i wanna every time i can see you.

your smill like the flowers,
it's normal but special,
i pray for my lovers,
then you are past by as i pray for.

i'm under the Sunlight,
i will pray for he,
maybe i would never fall in love twice,
when i cover up my chest tightly.

the pain in my heart being stronger,
so i pray for he to try,
i can got the sweet tears,
i say i love the sunlight.

when he fall asleep,
you're rushing the love,
when the world is moving,
the Anglies pray for the Sun.

the envhanted moment can be feeling,
and it sees me through the Church,
it's enough for this restless,
and the song you can join either.

don't let him i feel the breathe,
can you feel the love of the Hope?
tohight he give the marcy and happy,
your joining the hold world is a circle.

he give and you are loving,
you are praying and he go on,
where is the gentleness?
can you join in the love to all?

i'm hurting by your beautiful,
i wanna on my knee,
i'm broken down heart and soul,
then i pray for you baby.

i need you too,
i wanna date with you indeep,
i'm feeling so poor,
i wanna go on this willing,

when i'm watch the you,
i'm somthing weak,
you will got my will,
you can believe in me.

i wanna be your Angle,
and it's killing me,
please don't stop and go,
just only you can be sugar baby.

i wanna say you're my lover,
make it alright indeep,
need me i will be your sugar,
yeas please i need.

all the men got their chest beating,
she is walking along now
she is brightly shining,
will they shout out?

the gentleness is on show,
the men want strongly introducing,
the flowers are heart and soul
the boy is blessing to the baby.

will the good girl gots the love?
she is feeling they should be crazy,
can you see the brightest Sun?
the hold sky is burning.

the street is so hot,
the sky is burning so high,
she is the darling of the God,
he create a angle in the sky.

who's paintion is call for order?
it makes you realize the breathe and free,
when will you break the pain of tear,
you don't believe or be in stick.

in fact it's making the decision should be you,
you put up with the pain,
but you don't accept the feel from evil,
the history is in the winners' hand any way.

if they were heating you to be hot,
then let them be doing it,
life was like the wind blowed,
which the pain made you going.

you should be famous,
all of us was the little people in the moderm time,
yesterday you were the children,
today you get the duty so heavy nowonder why.

the flower is my love world under the Sun,
the leaves is the red needing any way,
the rain last night awaked the gentle love,
the love is smoothing my emotion in the rain.

i tipsy sweetly in your love as being hot,
when you're kissing my lips,
so many words is for your dreams all,
the rain is splashing.

the momeny is sweeten all by you,
i want to drive the wind,
but my heart is brand new,
how about we had married.

let this love all over the sky to be hot,
i'm not playing,
the flowers is spread of the world,
i want to sing.

i'm praying piously,
we're in the restless world,
the love is ended in your smilling,
i'm under the light of God,

we have seem the sunlight more,
i just imgine the kiss,
but the light is from God all,
i feel the chest in burning.

i pray for knowing why,
and i am watching you,
i need your gentle slight,
i'm brand new,
the sunlight is so bright,
then i'm dreaming of the will.

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